Entomida Festival - Event Branding
For this project, we needed to create, brand, and market a festival or conference of our own creation. What I came up with was The Entomida Festival. Entomida is the classification for inects as well is it being a portmandou of Ento (insect) and Comida (spanish for food). Throughout the branding I was inspired by Mexican muralists and their use of warm colors and illustrative shapes.
The entire festival is about the exploration of alternative and sustainable methods of agriculture and how humans need to be more concious of how we are sourcing our food.
For this brochure I wanted to emphasize the lively colors and playful theme, to make the concept of eating these insects more appetizing. There are many cultures around the world that eat insects for a common source of protein and what might be considered disgusting to us, might not be the case for everyone else.
This goal of this project is to try to not make the unknown scary and to teach and inspire people to get out of their comfort zone with food.
This goal of this project is to try to not make the unknown scary and to teach and inspire people to get out of their comfort zone with food.