Entomida Festival -Merchandise & Packaging
As an extension of the previous project The Entomida Festival, we also had to create merchandising to go along with the event.
To keep the theme of sustainability and exploration of cuisine, having chocolate covered crickets, Do–It–Yourself grow kits, and stainless steel cutlery pouches were no brainers.
The chocolate covered crickets are to show that insects do not have to look like insects. Most of them taste like nuts when dehydrated and fried, and having three distinct chcolate flavors make them more appetizing.
The cutlery pouches are reusable hence why I opted for using stainless steel, and are convinient and compact to carry around everywhere. Also since this is a food festival, using these cuts down on plastic waste.
The DIY grow pots are of three beneficial and edible flowers. All three not only attract bees to help pollinate and decorate gardens, after they mature they can be consumed instead of thrown away. On the inside top are directions on how to use these flowers, harvesting the seeds, or even dipping them in melted sugar to make your own candy.